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Valley West Hospital

Sandwich, IL
Northwestern Medicine
24,500 SF

Success Metrics

Valley West Hospital Exterior


Improving the patient experience while optimizing future campus growth potential

Project goals for the Valley West Hospital expansion included creating a more welcoming environment, improving the patient experience, and supporting growth and future flexibility. Finding the best path to meeting Northwestern Medicine’s needs would mean:

  • Finding an optimal strategy to remedy a patient wing still using semi-private rooms
  • Making campus improvements that would also help recruit top talent
  • Optimizing future growth potential with smart construction decisions that also maintain a safe and fully functional facility

The expansion resulted in a new 19-bed, inpatient wing that provides the latest inpatient care and comfort, while offering an appealing and invigorated campus environment. The project created a stunning new front entrance, and the renovated administration area supports provider and staff satisfaction. Such additions have led to a higher level of care, and increased the system’s ability to attract new physicians, specialists, and clinical staff.

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To me, ERDMAN is far superior because I don’t have to go anywhere beyond to get the support I need. Having that cohesive team sitting in the same group improves communication so much that you get a better design and a better outcome.

Dave Proulx, Assistant Vice President, Valley West Operations

Northwestern Medicine KishHealth Laboratories & Facilities

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